WELCOME to Elder John-Gregory Sierra's mission blog! For the next two years Elder Sierra will be serving as a full-time missionary for the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints in the California Sacramento Mission. We hope you will enjoy his experiences, shared through weekly letters. We will post his letters each week and any pictures he may send.

Write Elder Sierra


Missionaries love to get letters (and care packages)! If you'd like to write to Elder Sierra, please use the following addresses:

Elder John-Gregory Sierra
California Sacramento Mission
8267 Deseret Ave
Fair Oaks, CA 95628


Tuesday, February 10, 2015

February 10, 2015


Well Mom, I don't how to tell ya. I'm still trying to realize that this is it, because it doesn't feel real to me either. It's like I am sitting on a train ride and I am the only one there and I don't know how long it's going to take for me to get back. It's pretty rough. I love my mission. Sacramento is my home. The people here I serve, I love them. And they love me as well. These past few days everybody has been trying to squeeze me in for a dinner or lunch or breakfast or brunch. In the past few days, I think I have had, like, 4 meals per day haha. It's been awesome, though, and I feel honored to be treated with such warmth. Last night was pretty special as well. I was eating with the Roberts (the family that houses me) and the Caspers (good friends). They were all commenting on how much they loved Elder Rentz (very great missionary and close friend) and I and were very grateful for our service. The Bishop called and told me that he was grateful for the work I put in for the group and I have been getting phone calls from former companions and other missionaries I served around telling me that I will be missed and, honestly, I am gonna lose a huge chunk of my heart when I return home. President Jardine wanted to give me an interview and it was probably the best one I'd ever had. We talked about what is to come, what I should do, things I should prioritize, and that I should go home, relax for a few days then, GO WILD (no, that's not what he said). I will tell you about the interview in more detail when I get home. At the end of it, he told me, "Elder Sierra, you've been in many places, you have had many "different" experiences that have helped you to grow in ways you never thought you could. I hope you know that your service has been more than enough. I hope you know that the Lord is pleased with you. I hope you know that I love you and will miss you very much." That one almost made me cry. The Spirit filled the room and I knew without a DOUBT that my mission was a success. I love my mission Mom. However, I love you and my family and friends just as much. I am more than ready to move on. I'm ready to reconnect with old friends. I am excited to see you all again and it will be a very joyous day when I get off the plane to hug you all again. It has been a great journey. I am ready for my next adventure. I love you so much Mom. Thank you for everything.

For the last time,

Elder Sierra

Monday, February 2, 2015


Hey Mom,

Yeah, next Tuesday will be my final P-Day! Then I will be prepping to return home. I have a family that's gonna drop off some of my stuff, as well, to make the airfare a lot cheaper. That, and to transport stuff that I didn't want on a plane. So it'll get to you right before I get home. The Casper Family will be dropping them off and from what I hear, you and Sister Casper have been in contact with one another lol. I find it funny how some of the people here connect with you. To me it connects my family to my mission... ,Well Mom, I am happy that I can be of help spiritually when I can. I love being of service to others. It helps me to see the people the way that our Heavenly Father sees them. It allows me to feel His love as well. It converts me closer to the Lord and I lose myself in trying to love and serve others. This has been the ultimate lesson of my mission. 
Well, Mom, the work here is picking up little by little. The Villanuevas came again to church and I have asked Brother Villanueva to teach the lesson this coming Sunday. The Spanish class continues to grow and I love it. This has been one of my favorite areas to serve in. I have been in many and this has been one of my hardest challenges because this one required patience. I know things will work out whether I am here or not. Time and time again the Lord has let me know that the people here will not be abandoned. I am grateful for this place. It has taught me much and I love them and, even more special, I have felt the love from the people that I served here. They wish to keep in touch with me and they want me to return soon. I love it here. I love you Mom. 
This is my last week to go all out. I've got a lot of service meetings with the stake president, bishops and several ward mission leaders and there are, like, 10 dozen members that want me for dinner/lunch/breakfast/brunch/dinner and breakfast haha Seriously! I don't even have much time to even BE trunky! I got complimented by my mission president who said, "Elder Sierra, out of everybody in your group that is leaving, you seem to be the most collected missionary that is going home. You know you're going home and accept it, but you don't use it as an excuse to stop working. I'm proud of you."
I will return home with honor. Love you Mom!

Elder John-Gregory Sierra 
Here's a pic from the temple trip:
 Elder Rentz is on the left, and Elder Hinkley is on the right.