WELCOME to Elder John-Gregory Sierra's mission blog! For the next two years Elder Sierra will be serving as a full-time missionary for the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints in the California Sacramento Mission. We hope you will enjoy his experiences, shared through weekly letters. We will post his letters each week and any pictures he may send.

Write Elder Sierra


Missionaries love to get letters (and care packages)! If you'd like to write to Elder Sierra, please use the following addresses:

Elder John-Gregory Sierra
California Sacramento Mission
8267 Deseret Ave
Fair Oaks, CA 95628


Monday, June 24, 2013


Hey Mom,

Piano is coming along slowly, but yeah, still trying to get some hymns down. Also,  my companion has been teaching me the guitar. I bought his for $40 and yeah, it was a good deal. I'm coming along pretty quick. Got some songs down too. My favorite one that I know so far is "Hallelujah". It's the one by Leonard Cohen and it was played in Shrek 1. So.....Benjamin is now my height..........Crap. Well, I guess it was a good run while it lasted, but it'll be fine. haha. Maybe jump-roping will help me grow another inch. 
So, Chewy and his family are coming along nicely. Also, Juan Calderon is being baptized on July 13. If ever I saw a man that was prepared to hear the gospel,  it is JUAN. He is just full of light and has a laugh that is contagious. I love that guy. And, we just set up a date for Antonio to be baptized on July 27. He is a nice kid and is learning English right now. (His English is better than my Spanish).  Rodrigo is doing wonderfully. He had a drinking problem and is trying SO hard to not sip any more alcohol. He called me once and asked me if I could help him find a substitute. My companion was like, "I don't know any way to replace alcohol." However, being me, and it kinda just popped into my head, I told him, "Empieza bebiendo Mountain Dew!"(Start drinking Mountain Dew) HAHAHA!!! Yep, I totally got the guy hooked on Dew. And let me tell ya, he has no more problems with wanting to go get a drink. haha. Elder Villalva said to me, "You are the most unorthodox missionary I will ever know." I asked him if that was a bad thing. He told me, "I'm still deciding." LOL love my companion. And I only have a week left with that guy. Muy triste. Oh yes, and I am teaching the Crips still and they all love what they are hearing. And now my teaching group has grown from 5-6 to 10-12. They love learning and actually asked me a question, "So is it wrong to sell drugs? I mean we are just selling it. They're the ones buying the stuff." I just said, "Yeah, because you are the ones handing out the sin." That one kinda sunk in. Tyrone then suggested that they find a different way to make money. Pretty cool right? Preachin' the Gospel to a bunch of CRIPS!!! They all call me "The Fightin' Preacher"! I wont lie; I like the title. haha. 
Oh yeah, so how is dad? And are you doing all right? Our families are still doing well and we are just working hard out here. I love you Mom. Hope you're not having any more anxiety attack because of me. Love you!

Elder Sierra

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